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Welcome to the team!

Emma Hamasaki, 01 Sep 2023.

We are always so excited to welcome new members to the Redmap Team so everyone give a big welcome to our newest members Tyson and Daniel.

  • Tyson Johnson

  • Daniel Easton

Tyson Johnson (Redmap sighitngs manager) 

Tyson Jones is the Redmap Australia sightings manager and a PhD candidate at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS). His research explores nocturnal reef ecology across both temperate and tropical reefs, and studies the impacts of diver disturbance on fish behaviour. With a primary interest in reef associated fishes and invertebrates, Tyson has accumulated over 500 scientific dives assessing reef biodiversity across all major reef networks surrounding Australia. Beyond studying reefs, Tyson has extensive experience studying estuarine ecosystems, conducting complimentary habitat and fish assemblage surveys to prioritise restoration efforts for threatened estuarine habitats.


Daniel Easton (SA)

Daniel Easton is a marine scientist working in South Australia and will be taking up the role of  regional Redmap Steering Committee representative for South Australia and the Redmap SA lead. Daniel specialises in monitoring ecological communities on temperate subtidal rocky reefs. His main interests are fish, ecology and adaptation and he is interested to see how species which are relocating or moving can be monitored. He also loves diving, birdwatching and being on the water exploring marine environments and has a soft spot for sea stars.


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