

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies

Email Gretta

Gretta Pecl

I'm a marine ecologist working at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS). I’ve always been very intrigued by ecology in general and fascinated with all things marine – an unusual passion for someone from a family of confirmed land-lovers! I’m really interested in finding out how our marine ecosystems might be changing, and in helping to establish what practical things we can do to make the best of climate change impacts. My current research activity spans a range of topics including risk assessments for fisheries, assessing population responses to climate change, developing approaches for adaptation research and establishing international collaborations with researchers in other ‘hotspots’ for climate change. Something very evident from our research over the last decade has been the extensive knowledge that is held within our fishing and diving communities – Redmap is about providing a facility to record and acknowledge that information and share it with the rest of Australia!

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